『 幸福 』
↬ i'm just getting started, there’s always other ways gotta fill up my story

name: kelly
pronouns: she/her
house: hufflepuff
mbti: esfp
taurus sun, libra moon
— music
— traveling
— hugs
— green, orange and yellow
— playing intruments
— star wars
— animes (fmab and op)
— final fantasy
— smiles.
boy groups:
a.c.e: junhee
day6: jae
exo: baekhyun
got7: jaebum + jinyoung
monsta x: changkyun
nct: jisung, jeno
seventeen: minghao, mingyu
stray kids: hyunjin
the boyz: problably sunwoo and hwall but who kows.
also: onew, san, junhee, woosung...
girl groups:
bol4: jiyoung
twice: mina and momo
red velvet: joy
snsd: taeyeon
also listen: clc, exid, loona, dreamcatcher and fromis_9